Monday, December 14, 2009

UN Part of the Problem, Not the Solution ('Cept for That 'Final' One)

It seemed like a good idea at the time (following WW2), but since then the UN has morphed into something that diverges from and completely contradicts that initial vision; something rotten; something that's advancing the interests of a totalitarian one world government and is threatening to snuff out the flickering lights in that shrinking portion of the globe that remains free. American Thinker Edward Bernard Glick thinks its time for the U.S. to pull the plug:

Over the past sixty years, the political architecture and political mathematics of the United Nations have changed drastically. Not only has the number of Security Council non-permanent members been increased from 6 to 10, but the pivotal position in the General Assembly once held by Latin America is now held by Third-world countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. They have hijacked the United Nations and transformed it into one of the most anti-Western, anti-American, anti-Semitic, and anti-democratic organizations on the planet.
They are also determined to make the UN the substitute for sovereignty and the surrogate for a sovereign state's decision-making institutions. Except when their own interests are at stake, they preach that the Security Council is the Government of the Earth and the General Assembly is the Parliament of Mankind.
America can keep the Security Council at bay because it has a veto there. But in the veto-free General Assembly, America, which pays 20 percent of the United Nations' regular budget and about a third of its peacekeeping budget, has only four options: Either it abstains on a resolution, or it supports one it doesn't like, or it introduces one it does like, or it waters it down to utter ineffectiveness in order to get the two-thirds vote required to pass a resolution in a General Assembly that is unrecognizably different from the one the UN's founders envisaged in San Francisco in 1945...

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