Monday, April 12, 2010

Flying While Moronic

The New York Post is puzzled by a Qatari prankster's diplomatic status:
...Incredibly, he was on his way for a routine diplomatic visit to Saleh Karrah al-Mahri, a Qatar citizen who's serving eight years in a federal supermax as an al Qaeda sleeper agent.

How about that? The pretend terrorist was on his way to visit the real thing.

Irony abounds.

Yet even though Modadi was a government agent on official business, Qatar will not be asked to repay taxpayer funds spent on the heightened-security alert -- or the nearly $50,000 in vouchers that United gave to passengers who were delayed for hours thanks to his antics.

That has some on Capitol Hill grumbling -- and rightly so.

At least the State Department moved swiftly to make it clear to the Qataris that it wanted Modadi out of here -- fast.

Alas, formally declaring him unwelcome wasn't considered, for fear of straining US-Qatar relations.

Perish the thought.

Meanwhile, we understand that ministering to the needs of justly imprisoned terrorists would be a hard job to fill, but why Qatar would hire a moron like Modadi in the first place escapes us.
The Qatar version of affirmative action, perhaps?

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