Friday, August 6, 2010

Shedding Light? More Like Obvious Obfuscation

Newspapers often display their political leanings by what they choose to highlight--and what they leave out. Take the Toronto Star, home of the grandiloquent Harpoon Siddiqui and bastion of multishmulti/lefty mush, for example. On Monday it ran a lengthy article about "honour killing".

Perpetrated by Hindus.

In India.

Reading this piece one would never know (because the reporter doesn't tell you) that 91 per cent of honour killings in the world are committed by Muslims.

Not that those 9 per cent don't matter. But if you want to shed light on a problem, why focus on the punier percentage and ignore the vastly larger one? (Could it perhaps be because "shedding light" on this subject is about the last thing the Star want to do?)

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