Thursday, March 10, 2011

Feel the Love

You think it's tough being a Saudi Arabian studying medicine at the University of Ottawa? Try being a Jewish student at Queen's. Jonathan Kay writes (h/t VZ):
Nick Day, the rector of Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont., has taken it upon himself to declare Israel guilty of “genocide.” He also tells readers that he is a big fan of “Israeli Apartheid Week” (IAW), the anti-semite- and communist-inspired festival of Israel-hatred that has been unanimously denounced by the entire Ontario legislature. In his essay, which he fashions as a rebuke to Michael Ignatieff’s laudable denunciation of IAW, Mr. Day tells readers that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians represents “perhaps the biggest human rights tragedy of my generation.”
“The biggest human rights tragedy of his generation” — really? I guess his generation must be too young or ignorant to remember the annihilation of 800,000 Rwandans in a single 3-month period in 1994 — or the mass starvation of hundreds of thousands of North Koreans, or the slaughters in Darfur and Congo, or the current carnage in Libya, or any of the other real human-rights tragedies that preening moral fashionistas such as Mr. Day pass over so they can pursue their niche cult of Israel hatred.

Note that in his article, Mr. Day grandly declares that he was “elected to represent the approximately 20,000 students of Queen’s University.” (He also signs it as “rector.”) I wonder how those same students — not to mention Queen’s alumni and donors — like him using the weight of his office to attack the Jewish state as a blood-stained pariah and a scourge against humanity? Just curious.
And unlike aggrieved Wahhabi students, the Juden don't have the option of complaining to a "human rights" body, Zionhass being considered au courant and perfectly acceptable, and not a form of hate at all. (Not that I want anyone to look to our deranged "human rights" system for resolution of problems; just to say that in Pierre's Orwellian Trudeaupia, all victim groups are equal, but some victim groups are more equal that others--and some forms of hate aren't perceived as hate.)

1 comment:

Andy Lehrer said...

"Anti-semite and Communist-inspired" has been removed from the online version of the article. Guess Kay's prose was too purple even for the Post.