Saturday, March 12, 2011

'Harmony' Hokum

Mark Steyn has some mordant comments about state-enforced niceness, just one of several really bad ideas (multiculti is another one) plaguing the the West. For a window into how the "diversity"/niceness-enforcers think, how they use lovely-sounding words ("diversity," "inclusion," etc.) to disguise a really wretched soft-totalitarian agenda, have a gander at this. It's the site for the upcoming conference of Canada's state-based "human rights" industry. If reading the confab's objectives doesn't send a chill up and down your spine, the tutti-frutti multiculti Kool-Aid has taken hold, and you're too far gone:
The conference will offer participants:
•Plenary and break-out sessions that explore the new realities and directions reflected in: current human rights case law; human rights systems; and human rights complaint resolution and adjudication

•An opportunity to become better prepared for the changes that are taking place in Canada as a result of our growing diversity

•Sessions that explore educational strategies and initiatives that anticipate and respond to our country’s growing diversity and current human rights case law

•Opportunities to exchange information and learn about successful initiatives and promising practices in the areas of human rights, diversity and inclusion
•The chance to meet, network and engage with people from across Canada who have common interests and goals related to human rights, diversity and inclusion
Sounds ghastly. In the immortal words of Samuel Goldwyn (no "diversity" freak, he), "include me out."

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